Background information on the topic "Management Diploma Level II"
A certain foundation is needed to achieve progress on management issues. Therefore, a two-part diploma makes sense because it builds on existing knowledge and experience. This is achieved by coaching, which is included in both modules.
Through various steps, the possibilities of achieving constructive, goal-oriented results can be clarified within the framework of a coaching session. The prerequisite for effective professional coaching is a well-functioning cooperation between coach and coachee.
A participant should encounter openness, honesty and compliance in a good coaching, so that a pleasant atmosphere of trust can be created.
Tip: Try to look at situations from different angles. First: what has actually happened? Who was involved? How has the situation developed and is this development desirable? In a second and third step, you make the emotions clear to yourself - those of the participants and your own. Also reflect on how you dealt with this event afterwards, because in the management area you need resilience.
In addition to the analyses and possible reorientations which are worked out in a coaching session, the personality also begins to develop further. To become aware of one's own actions is only one important skill, another is to radiate this out in a way that creates sympathy among the participants.
Arrogance, power games or general situations that could lead to anxiety in the workplace should be avoided. Employees like to go to work without fear or anxiety. A leader must make decisions and, if necessary, bear the negative consequences of them, but should never lose sight of the employees and their individual needs.
In addition to the special personal requirements that have to be met by management, the content demands will also increase. This does not always require professional competence, but only know-how about the essential framework conditions operating in other areas of the company. An ability to understand and grasp the essence of situations and a flexible mind are required, as is confidence in dealing with one's own gaps in knowledge. With methods such as fast reading and efficient handling of information - both necessary and superflous - it is possible to acquire the knowledge and experience to be able to react quickly and so expand one's own range of competencies.