Case study: Convincing stakeholders with perfect presentation skills

1. Description of the initial situation
The company is a global leader in the logistics industry, specializing in shipping containers. In this area, customers are also offered special services in the field of reefer cargo (special, temperature-controlled transports), hazardous goods as well as special cargo transports. The business requires that, in addition to customers, investors must also be contacted regularly. This often happens multilingually, in this case mostly in English. Highly complex topics, actions and their consequences as well as recommendations are communicated under extreme time pressure. The main focus was to act with confidence and conviction infront of critical investors and stakeholders even in difficult situations.
2. Goals and objectives
The objective was that all participants are qualified to communicate complex interrelationships under time pressure. In addition some courses of action had to be analyzed and offered. Finding the balance between explaining complex topics and not oversimplifying or boring the investors was key. It was important to be capable of performing in online and offline setting, in english as well as in german. This high level of presentation should be conveyed and anchored at the highest level.
3. Format (on-site)
In order to ensure direct applicability as well as a maximal interaction, it was decided to conduct the training on site. The location was set in the comany's headquarters. In a highly interactive seminar conducted in English, methods and concepts were developed and also directly implemented in the training. All participants also had to prepare presentations for a presentation situation online or on-site and present them to the group. Through this format, all participants were optimally prepared for their future tasks.
4. Results and future outlooks
The entire course was evaluated by the Kitzmann Institute and was also closely monitored by HR and the organizational team of the logistics company. In addition, the various participating departments as well as their people who could already look back on numerous trainings, were involved. Future trainings are planned for the near future.