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Online Seminars

Online Seminars

Training Online: Kitzmann training for executives and

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Top seminars in Hamburg


Lateral leadership

Managing successfully without hierarchical authority


Eloquence and persuasiveness in practice

Leadership behaviour

Professional management in practice

From employee to manager

Successful entry into the new leadership role

Time management and self-management

Make your work more effective through organization and time management

How do I come across to others?

Feedback intensive

Sales training

Being successful in sales

Conflict management

Recognize, solve and prevent conflicts in the team

Virtual leadership

Leading employees from a distance
Hear what our customers say
F. Wonneberger
Stadtverwaltung Sankt Augustin
A. Beckert
S. Salam
E.ON Digital Technology GmbH
The methods used in this rhetoric training were excellent and helped me a lot.
R. Schmitz
Ratiodata IT-Lösungen & Services GmbH
Great initiative of the seminar leader in this leadership seminar! The response to specific problems, the motivation work and the tips were top!
A. Kordt
Mathys Orthopädie GmbH
D. Wendt
Lebenshilfe Lörrach e.V.
W. Mairon
DB Netz AG
The seminar leader carried out the event very individually and worked out tailor-made solutions with the participants!
M. Leschowski
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
Great interaction within the seminar group and an excellent working atmosphere.
C. Opitz
Sparkasse Bielefeld
A. Mayr
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
FOCUS TOP Anbieter für Weiterbildung 2024
Wirtschaftswoche TOP Digitaler Bildungsanbieter 2023
Premium Berater Forbes Magazin 2023
TOP Institut für berufliche Bildung 2024
TOP Anbieter E-Learning 2024
DQS – ISO 9001
German Marketing Association
Society for Work Methodology
Quality community of international business trainers
Professional Association of German Psychologists
Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
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  • You find us here
  • Am Germania Campus
  • Dorpatweg 10
  • 48159 Münster
  • Germany
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