Management-Institut Dr. A. Kitzmann Logo



  • Motivate teams
  • Strengthen social competence
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Learn remote leadership
  • Develop soft skills
  • Expand psychological knowledge
  • Strengthen assertiveness
  • Argue professionally

Our seminars in the field ofLeadership

Lateral leadership

Managing successfully without hierarchical authority

From employee to manager

Successful entry into the new leadership role

Leadership behaviour

Professional management in practice

Agile Leadership

Working in agile teams

The employee appraisal

Motivation, recognition, criticism, support

Communication and social competence for managers

Change Management

Accelerate and optimize change processes

Pit stop leadership

Leadership and management of oneself

The manager as coach and consultant

Psychology for Managers

Executive assistance

How to assist your boss

Leadership training for junior staff & master craftsmen

Virtual leadership

Leading employees from a distance

Intercultural competence

Working in international teams

Psychology of investor behaviour

Behavioural Finance


Redesign your leadership role!

Female Leadership

What defines female leadership? - The leadership seminar for women

Agreements on targets and bonuses

Your path to top performance and variable compensation

Health management

Health as a leadership task

Recruit and retain employees

Success factors for long-term employee retention in the company

Fundamentals of sustainability management

Understanding and implementing sustainability